Our Turning( Lathe) division at KNT Manufacturing comprises 3 different work groups The CNC Lathe department is outfitted to make large production amounts or short production runs simply by using an assortment of00 materials. On our Turning department we support many different industries. We'veconsider we've the strictest of high quality processes that meet or proceed beyond our customer requirements.
You will find four Swiss type programmed screw machines in The Swiss Screw Department those support many industries, including Opto-- Electronic, Commercial and High Technology Companies. This department of the organization is equipped to get results carefully with our customers production and/or assembly schedules. Our production control department will schedule our production work flow to meet the JIT delivery and inventory requirements, including distribution to multiple services.
VerticalTurret Lathes
TUE Series would be the TUE 150( s) devices.
Milling spindle expanding from changing to drilling operations.
High-- speed, high- rigidity& high- productivities.
FANUC-- 0iTC optional features come regular.
Latest technologies provide high-- grade performance& high velocity, accuracy& performance.